Tuesday, September 25, 2007

During my job, I have discovered some rather disgusting aspects of drink dispensing machines. It made me think, if this is build up I find occurring with weekly cleaning, what are the other machines like? Machines at stores or restaurants that don't take apart each machine every week and deep clean it. It's amazing, every soda or slushy or even margarita could contain mold or the sludge-like goo that many frozen drinks seem to produce. How many of these things have I consumed in my life?
I find this to be a testament to life. I was going to say the human body, but then I thought animals endure it too! We can put the most horrible things in our body, and because it is a living thing it can take them apart and get nutrition what nutrition there is from it.
My hat is off to that, it amazes me.

Monday, September 17, 2007

When I was younger, I used to get really afraid of some things. If my cat came in the room, suddenly I'd feel like she was going to hurt me. I'd watch her constantly.. when I tried to look away I'd be too overwhelmed by fear and just keep staring.
I was reminded of that tonight when I kept getting his creepy feeling that a dog in an ad was staring at me. After a bit I covered it up and then considering burning the dog out of the picture with a lighter, so I could know it was really gone.
I wonder if that's how paranoid schizophrenics feel? Not to suggest that I am in any way, but that slight impulse of terrified paranoia I get sometimes.. maybe it's similar to that?