When I was little, I had this idea of what the perfect person would be like...
It was a man, and he was stoic.
Tall, strong, dark, and silent.
The kind of person that not only didn't get hurt, he didn't feel anything.
It was Damian, only he didn't have a name.
He was this concept of what I wished I could be and what I used to protect myself.
I just knew that if I was him, I wouldn't cry anymore...
And when I was really upset or someone was really getting to me I would think of him, and try to be like him.. I would close off and be quiet, brooding, unresponsive..
I need to let go of Damian, I need to realize that I don't have to be that image, whereever I got it from.
I need to stop pulling it up in my mind...
He was like my brother/father, and imaginary family member.
It wasn't until I started roleplaying that he got a name and a story..
So let's hear it.
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