Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Haven't posted here in a long time.. but that's because I usually only post when I'm depressed.
I was really depressed when I woke up today.. that's always one of the hardest times for me, waking up. So I called Mandie and we talked on the phone until Rob came to lay down with her..
So, now I'm alone again.
She said that she wished that she could do something to help and I wanted to laugh at her. She knows that this is one of the most depressing times of the year for me... yet she still refused to do anything with me on my birthday. So that leaves what.. me and Deb.
I'm not going to do anything.. Deb might get pissed at me but it's my decision. I'd rather sit at home alone and cry then do something with just Deborah.. we have nowhere to go and that's just so pathetic, that I don't have anyone else.
I'm not very happy with Deb right now.. we decided to do the West Plano route together, for $700 each a month. Well, later that day I found out that Dawn's hands are so bad right now that she's going to have to quit her job at Domino's.. either that or drastically reduce her hours. She needs another income, so I thought that maybe her and I could split the west plano route instead of Deb and I. I called Deb to talk about it and she said that she "needs the money." All of her food is paid for, her gas is paid for, she has shelter... She gets allowance. She doesn't need the money by any stretch of the word. Dawn WILL lose her house if she is late on a single payment.. yet Deb feels that it's more important for her to have the money each month.
I've been considering just giving the whole route to Dawn, Deb would get pissed at me but it's my decision to make.. She really needs that money.


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